• Black Friday private sale

  • Get ready for upcoming shopping season

  • 24/11/2023 15:44:00
Ready for a bigger sales team? Try it for free

A sales machine that
works hard for your business

Bring more customers

Makes it easy for customers to show interest and ask about your products.

Close more deals with custom pricing

Tailor your prices for each customers. Everyone love personalized service.

Stay organized, save & earn more

Streamlines the sales process by providing tools for effective management, tracking,

Trusted by

Thousands of ecommerce

How Quote Snap can help

Store design

A design language that engages better with customers


Sales automation tools

Advanced sales tools that helps you close deals faster


Want more?

Take a look into our app to find out more features yourself.


Black Friday private sale

Get your store ready for upcoming shopping season

24/11/2023 15:44:00
Users have a chance to use app FREE 100%. Sale ends on 10 November, 2023

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Your questions,
our answers

Quote Snap is a sales services that helps Shopify users who have complex pricing product (or not fixed pricing) to simplify their sales process from Store front to Store management.
With Quote Snap, you can:
  • Improve your store design for a better engagement with customers
  • Enhance your sales process with our smart sales tool
Quote Snap has free plan available for all development stores.
Setting up is straightforward and quick. You can have the basics ready in just a few minutes.
If you need extra help, you can contact our 24/7 support team.
No, Quote Snap is currently only compatible with all Shopify plans.
You can explore Quote Snap with a 3-day free trial available directly on the Shopify platform, with no credit card required.
Yes, Quote Snap is compatible with all Shopify plans.
Our user base covers different plans, with 45% of users on Shopify Plus and others on various plans from Basic to Enterprise.

Still have questions?

Connect with our eCommerce experts.

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