Custom to your need

A design language that engages better with customers

Your questions,
our answers

Quote Snap is a sales services that helps Shopify users who have complex pricing product (or not fixed pricing) to simplify their sales process from Store front to Store management.
With Quote Snap, you can:
  • Improve your store design for a better engagement with customers
  • Enhance your sales process with our smart sales tool
Quote Snap has free plan available for all development stores.
Setting up is straightforward and quick. You can have the basics ready in just a few minutes.
If you need extra help, you can contact our 24/7 support team.
No, Quote Snap is currently only compatible with all Shopify plans.
You can explore Quote Snap with a 3-day free trial available directly on the Shopify platform, with no credit card required.
Yes, Quote Snap is compatible with all Shopify plans.
Our user base covers different plans, with 45% of users on Shopify Plus and others on various plans from Basic to Enterprise.

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