Two Owls (Omega Facebook Pixels) - #1 App to Resurrect your Pixel after IOS 14 with accurate tracking + reporting
Platform: Shopify
App Overview
With Two Owls (Omega - Multi Facebook Pixel), you can reach premium data collection by correctly installing Pixels and Conversion APIs. Conversion events are automatically tracked on both sides (browser & server) and shipped with extra attributable info to match the events back to a Facebook profile where applicable. This helps maximize the data Facebook will rely upon to efficiently deliver your campaigns. You'll also have access to accurate reporting that you are struggling to get from Facebook Ads Manager after IOS 14 +
Feature highlights
- Install multiple Pixels with server-side tracking that collects smart data
- Understand how each ad is truly performing with a real-time UTM reporting dash
- Get insights into which products are converting the paid traffic the most
- Sync multiple catalogs to Facebook with compatible pixel pairs for DPA
- Track custom button/link click events or more granular ones as per your requests
Integrated with
- Facebook Pixel
- Facebook Conversion API
- Facebook Catalog (Commerce Manager)
*** Don't have a Shopify store already? Start your free 14-day trial here!