How to calculate Marketing ROI for your Shopify Store


What is Marketing ROI

Alright, let's start with the basics. Marketing ROI or ROMI, standing for Return on Marketing investment, is a metric that measures the return you get on your marketing investment. 

What is Marketing ROI?

According to Wikipedia: “Return on marketing investment is the contribution to profit attributable to marketing (net of marketing spending), divided by the marketing 'invested' or risked.” 

Simply, it tells you how much sales you're getting for your marketing buck. It's like a superpower that helps you measure which spending on marketing contributes to profits.

Why you need to calculate Marketing ROI

Now, let's get serious for a moment. Why should you bother calculating Marketing ROI? 

Well, my friend, it's all about making informed decisions and maximizing your marketing efforts. I bet you don’t do all those marketing tricks just for fun. We all need the results. 

By measuring your ROI, you can identify which campaigns are hitting home runs and which ones might need extra effort. It's like having a secret weapon that guides your marketing strategy and helps you allocate your resources wisely. 

What you need to calculate Marketing ROI

Now that we know what Marketing ROI is, let's explore what factors contribute to this magical number. We'll dive into key components like revenue generated, customer acquisition costs, and even the intangible benefits of customer loyalty. 

What you need to calculate Marketing ROI?

Based on the above, we provide you a simple formula that you can fill in your business information. 

Note: This is the simple formula, you can add in more factors that have an impact on your number.

Simple Marketing ROI formula

  • Revenue: The total revenue generated from your e-commerce business includes the sales revenue from your online store, including product purchases, subscriptions, or any other revenue-generating activities.
  • Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): COGS includes the expenses directly associated with producing or acquiring the products you sell, such as manufacturing costs, wholesale purchase costs, or drop shipping fees.
  • Additional fees: Apart from COGS, these are other relevant expenses specific to your e-commerce business, such as shipping costs, packaging materials, website maintenance fees, payment gateway fees, and customer service costs.
  • Marketing Cost: This includes expenses for digital advertising campaigns, social media marketing, email marketing software, SEO efforts, content creation, influencer partnerships, and any other marketing-related expenditures.


How to calculate Marketing ROI

Here comes the main character! I bring you the ROI calculator - a handy tool that will make your life much easier. Trust me, it's as satisfying as finding the perfect GIF to express your emotions.

Note: Set a time frame for gathering data. For example, you can calculate ROI in Q1 2023.




Calculate your Marketing ROI for your eCommerce


Your Marketing ROI


What’s a good Marketing ROI?

Ah, the million-dollar question (pun intended): What's considered a good Marketing ROI? Well, the answer can vary depending on factors like your industry, business model, and marketing goals. But fear not, we'll explore some benchmarks and industry standards to give you a general idea. After all, every business is as unique as a snowflake (but hopefully without the melting part).


Time to break even

ROI (3 year average)


9 months



9 months



6 months


Online PR

8 months




SMS Marketing can bring you 200% ROI!



Congratulations, my guys! You've successfully navigated the world of calculating Marketing ROI. We've covered the basics, explored the factors, discussed benchmarking, and highlighted the importance of ROI.

Remember, ROI calculation isn't just about the numbers; it's about optimizing your strategies and ultimately achieving your business goals. So, grab that calculator and let the magic unfold. 

P.S. If you need extra guidance or want to share your ROI triumphs, we’re all ears here. Let's keep the conversation going and support each other on this ROI adventure. Cheers!  

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