Unleash the Power of AI for Your SMS Marketing

SMS Marketing has high potential with 98% open rates and 45% response rates. However, crafting the perfect message can be time-consuming and frustrating, taking time away from other business tasks. ChatGPT can help by providing personalized and engaging SMS messages that hit the mark every time. With ChatGPT, you can save time and resources while optimizing your SMS marketing campaign. Stay tuned to learn more.

SMS Marketing, a marketing method that sends the message directly to your customers phone. 98% open rates, 45% response rate, sound potential, right? Looks like it can help your business take up to the next level. 

But let’s be real, crafting the perfect message can be a real pain in the butt. It’s like a never-ending task, just for your text message to end up labeled as spammy.  Ain’t nobody got time for that! Thus, business owners have more stuff in their box than just focusing on marketing. With limited resources and a tight budget, the struggle is real! It’s like trying to win a game of badminton while blindfolded!

That's why ChatGPT is here to save the day. With ChatGPT, you can simply snap your fingers (well, type a few words) and voila! A personalized, engaging SMS message that hits the bullseye every time. If you haven’t utilized ChatGPT in your business, you might be falling behind your competitors. This tool could help you to solve all the mentioned problems.

Wonder how? Stay with us.

Don’t know how to do SMS Marketing? See it here!

Need a Miracle? ChatGPT is your solitary solution

Customers are bombarded with messages every day, and if your message doesn't stand out, it's going straight to the trash bin. So how to change that? Don’t worry, ChatGPT is here to save the day!

What is ChatGPT?

Since it was released in November 2022, ChatGPT has become a topic for every conversation and article we see on the internet. As a user, you can ask questions or give instructions, ChatGPT will respond based on the database of information. This AI can provide suggestions and insights on how to optimize your SMS marketing efforts. Besides, ChatGPT can also assist in segmenting your SMS list based on demographics, interests, or behaviors, so you can send more targeted and personalized messages. Additionally, it can suggest strategies to track your SMS campaign's performance and measure its ROI, such as using call-to-action codes or integrating with analytics tools.

What is Chat GPT?

Drafting the message in a sec

With natural language processing, ChatGPT can help you create personalized messaging that resonates with your customers. Why waste your precious time typing out every single message when you can just sit back, relax, and boss around ChatGPT to do it for you? Let the robot do the hard work while you sip on your favorite coffee.

ChatGPT generates text templates for SMS Marketing

Optimizing Your SMS Marketing with ChatGPT: Adjusting Your Requests for Maximum Results

Process automation

Remember the dilemma of using SMS Marketing Platforms when it comes to technical things? ChatGPT actually can solve all of that as quickly as a flash. The time and resources that we need to manually write the messages can be reduced thanks to the AI. 



ChatGPT Prompts for SMS Marketing

No worry if you are not familiar with using this tool. We will provide several useful prompts to request ChatGPT for your SMS Marketing. 

Prompt 1: Generate templates for text messages

“Can you create 10 text message templates for my SMS marketing campaign that promote my [products/services] in [industry/niche] with the purpose of [goals/objectives]?"

For example: 

CHatGPT Prompt for SMS Marketing

Prompt 2: Craft reminders for customers' left items.

“Can you create 10 text message templates for my abandoned cart reminders SMS marketing campaign? My online store is selling [insert your store’s products industry], and I'm looking to remind customers of their abandoned carts and encourage them to complete their purchase. Please include messaging that is persuasive but not pushy, and in a [tone of voice]. Thank you!"

For example:

CHatGPT Prompt for SMS Marketing

Prompt 3: Gain more customer opt-ins.

“I need 10 SMS templates to increase customer opt-ins for my [INSERT YOUR INDUSTRY] business. Can you provide me with effective templates to encourage more customers to opt-in to my SMS marketing list? Thank you.”

For example:

These are several prompts that might be useful for you in your SMS Marketing journey. But, who can understand your business better than you? Make sure to keep requesting, making adjustments, or even write your own prompts to create the most suitable version.

The bottom line

SMS marketing can be a goldmine for your business. Don’t let yourself behind the technology and start exploring the power of ChatGPT. With ChatGPT, you can create killer messages, automate the drafting process, and optimize your campaign. So, why waste time typing when you can let ChatGPT do the hard work? Try SMSGem with ChatGPT today and watch your business boom!


SMS Marketing Platforms Pricing: Finding Your Best Plan

Hey there! Want to know a cool way to reach out to your customers? Well, SMS marketing is the way to go! With SMS marketing, you can increase engagement, build loyalty, and boost sales all at once! But wait, are you still not sure about the pricing? Don't worry, we got you! Let's dive deep into the pricing model together and find the best option for you. 

But wait, are you still not sure about the pricing? Don't worry, we got you! Let's dive deep into the pricing model together and find the best option for you. It's like a treasure hunt, but instead of gold, we'll discover the perfect SMS marketing plan that fits your budget!

Understanding SMS Marketing Platform Pricing Models

1. Monthly subscription

James has been overweight for years so he decided to change it! He signed up for a gym membership within a month. Then, he can use any machine he wants, join in fun activities like dancing and yoga classes, and much more! 

What is monthly subscription pricing model?
The same story goes for SMS Marketing Platforms, by paying a fixed fee each month, businesses can send a set number of texts to their customers, promoting their products and services. By paying one-time, you could get a set of many features that the Platform offers. 

  • Pros: Predictable costs, easier to budget for marketing expenses each month.
  • Cons: Not suitable for seasonal promotions.

2. Pay-as-you-go pricing

What is Pay-as-you-go pricing plan?

So, the man decided to change his membership from full access to only using the treadmill.

Why pay for a fancy gym membership when you only use the treadmill? With the pay-as-you-go pricing model, you'll only pay for the “workouts” you actually do. Similar to how James only pays for the treadmill he uses, you are only charged for the messages you send. A perfect solution for businesses that don't send a ton of SMS messages each month! Only buying the SMS credits as needed and sending messages whenever they want.

Make your SMS marketing budget more controllable, say hello to pay-as-you-go pricing!

  • Pros: Flexible and cost-effective for sending occasional messages
  • Cons: More expensive per message than other pricing models if messaging volume is high.

3. Credit-based

Looks like James finally saw the light after a month of exercise confusion. His bank account is burning more than his muscles. So, he ditched his expensive gym membership and opted for treadmill credits.

Rather than paying a fixed monthly fee, you buy a certain number of credits that you can use to send text messages. The more credits you buy, the more messages you can send. It's a flexible option for businesses with fluctuating messaging needs or those who want to try SMS marketing without committing to a larger plan. Just make sure you use your credits before they expire, since not all SMS Marketing platforms let the credits roll over.

What is Credit-based pricing model?

  • Pros: Purchase a specific number of SMS credits upfront at a discounted rate.
  • Cons: Unused credits may expire, leading to wasted resources. 

4. Tiered pricing

Think of our tiered pricing as different levels of gym memberships. Just like how gyms offer different packages based on the number of classes you want to take or the equipment you want to use, we offer different pricing tiers based on how many texts you need to send. Each tier comes with its own set of credits, so you can choose the one that fits your texting needs and budget. 

Monthly Message Limits and Pricing Tiers

So, whether you're a light texter or a heavy one, there is always a tier that works for you. It's time to flex those texting muscles!

  • Pros: Suitable for businesses with high volume messaging needs
  • Cons: Less affordable for smaller businesses.

Upgrade Your SMS Marketing: Best Platforms to Take You to the Top!

Ready to level up your business with texting? Check out these awesome SMS marketing Platforms on Shopify's Platform store: SMSBump, SMSGem, Texty, Postscript SMS Marketing, and more. Each Platform has different pricing plans, so you can find one that fits your budget. Experiment with different strategies and track your results to get the most out of SMS marketing. And don't forget to take advantage of the free trials offered by these platforms before committing to a paid plan. Give it a shot and see how much your business can grow!

Best SMS Marketing E-commerce Platforms

How to Pick the Perfect SMS Pricing Plan

Remember James? Just like the gym of marketing, SMS Marketing can whip your business into shape! But like finding the right workout routine, choosing the perfect pricing plan can be a sweat-inducing challenge. Several factors to be considered:

  • Messaging volume: Consider the number of messages when choosing an SMS pricing plan. High volume? Try a credit or tiered plan. Low volume? Pay-as-you-go might be a better bet.
  • Budget: Want to estimate your marketing budget? Monthly subscriptions and tiered pricing are definitely more predictable.
  • Messaging needs: Are your messages as consistent as your morning coffee or as unpredictable as the weather? If you're a creature of habit, go for a monthly or tiered plan. Otherwise, go with credit or pay-as-you-go plans.
  • Features: What features do you need? Look for a platform that provides the features you require, like segmentation, automation, and integrations, to accomplish your marketing objectives.
  • Trial period: Most SMS marketing platforms offer a free trial period. Take advantage of this to test out the platform and see if it's the right fit for your business before subscribing to a paid plan.

Factors to consider for choosing a pricing plan

Keep your messaging volume, budget, and needs in mind, and make sure to test out those free trials like a gym newbie trying out all the machines. With the right plan and strategy, your business will be fit and toned in no time!

Have a successful SMS Marketing campaign

Here comes everything you need to know for choosing the right SMS Marketing plan for your business. 

James has already settled down with the most fitting plan to change his appearance, how about you? Just like how a gym membership helps you stay in shape, let’s use the power of SMS marketing to keep your customers engaged and informed. 

Sign up for SMSGem today and start reaching out to your customers in a fun and engaging way! It's the perfect way to boost engagement, loyalty, and sales, and with pay-as-you-go pricing, you only pay for what you use. Don't wait - get started with SMSGem today and watch your business soar!

sms gem sms marketing for abandoned cart shopify

SMS Marketing: More Customers, Less Budget

Marketing expenses could be expensive, but it is not always the case! There are a lot of low costing marketing tactics that are worth attempting. Affordable and powerful - SMS Marketing is here to expand your customer base without breaking the bank.

What is SMS Marketing? 

Not as old as the ancient pigeon post! This is a way to communicate with your customers through the “short message service” that could be sent directly to their mobile devices. It is a type of opt-in marketing where you can send all the promotions that can boost your sale.

Text Your Way to Success: How SMS save your money

  • Low cost per message: Sending an SMS Message is much cheaper than other marketing channels like direct mail or TV ads. This cost can vary depending on the provider, but in general, it costs less than candy.

CPI Comparison Among Different Marketing Methods

  • No printing costs: Spend less on ink, paper and design.
  • Higher open rates: SMS marketing messages are opened and read 98% of the time, which is 20% higher than the corresponding rate for emails

Comparing SMS Marketing and Email Marketing: Open and Response Rates Compared

  • High response rate: 45% is the percentage of the average SMS response rate, which is much higher compared to email.

SMS Marketing Boasts Higher Response Rates Compared to Other Marketing Methods

  • Low opt-out rates: For SMS Marketing, the opt-out rate is 2.3 - 3.2%, while this number for email is 1.6% - 10.5%. This can help you trim costs in acquiring new customers. 
  • Greater ROI: With less expensive to run and higher conversion rate than other methods, SMS marketing can bring you higher return on investment.
  • Improve customer satisfaction: Provide your customers with timely and relevant offers and promotions. This can make them less likely to complain. Then, customer service costs can be reduced. 

Here are several among many plus points explaining why SMS Marketing should be the buddy of your business. However, even the strongest castle has a weak spot. You might question privacy or spamming problems.  In fact, with the support of SMS marketing applications, these concerns can be solved with ease. 

Getting Started with SMS Marketing

1. Pick an SMS marketing platform

No business owners have time to read every single SMS that they want to send. Therefore, the available SMS marketing applications aid you to make the process automatic. 

Several platforms that are cost-effective and user-friendly that you can choose are SMSGem, SMS Bump, EZ Texting, and Automizedly SMS Marketing. 

While considering the most suitable platform, the following characteristics should be the main focus: Cost-per message, SMS Template, Application features, Compliance and Customer Support.

Comparing Messaging Costs Across Different Platforms

2. Build a list of opt-in subscribers

Be mindful of the recipient’s explicit consent cause as the business owner we would not want to be involved in any of legal issues around your consumers’ privacy. Contemplate the best attractive and beneficial rewards to motivate your buyers without affecting your business flow.

3. Setting up your campaign

To achieve the best results for SMS marketing, customize the text message templates. You simply need to filter them and select a short yet attractive one that appeals to all your customers. This customization may require your input to tailor the SMS to your specific target audience segmentation.

4. SMS Timing

Now you have the most effective SMS prepared, but your customers are too busy or distracted as they do not even give a glance to your message. Here are some tips to plan the perfect timing for your SMS Marketing campaign:

  • Understand your target audience: knowing their habits, lifestyle and demographics.
  • Time zones: send the messages at the most convenient time for your customers.
  • Avoid hectic periods: Rush hour, holidays, or lunchtime would not be the best time for the message to be delivered as it tends to be ignored.
  • Test and measure: Constantly test your SMS campaign and refine the approach based on the outcome. 

Timing Your Text Messages: Helpful Tips


So called SMS Marketing is a powerful but underestimated tool for every business to boost their performance. For this reason, why not give it a shot and notice the significant development SMS Marketing brings? 

SMSGem has everything you need to get the job done. Download today and start enjoying the benefits of fast, efficient messaging! If you have any concerns, we are here for you.

SMS GEM - Best SMS Marketing Shopify Platform

Texting Without the Risk: How to Keep Your SMS Marketing TCPA Compliant!

Ahoy there, matey! If you're ready to set sail on the high seas of SMS marketing, you better make sure your ship is TCPA compliant. 

Don't worry, it's not as complicated as it sounds! We've got your back and won't let you sink! In fact, it's super easy with our happy and upbeat guide to TCPA-compliant SMS marketing. So, let's get started and keep your text message marketing fun, happy, and compliant!

What is TCPA-compliant for SMS Marketing?

You might wonder what TCPA is. Let me wrap all in this story for you. 

"You - a man trying to sell aroma oil and candles for ladies - those who are ready to pay $60 (even more) for a candle. Karen - who just fills in your checkout form to check the shipping fee then dip (aka. abandoned cart). So now you send her a message to tell her to checkout now with a discount code. 

So if things go well, Karen rushes to checkout with your discount. Easier huh? But (yeah things often don’t flow the way we want) if Karen is not in the mood right now and feels like such an invasion of her privacy. She sues you - the owner of the aroma store, with proof of TCPA Violations and you might pay up to $1500 per violation. Ouch!"


TCPA compliance requires businesses to obtain prior express written consent before making telemarketing calls or sending text messages to consumers. 

It also mandates certain disclosures and opt-out mechanisms and imposes penalties for violations.

Why do I have to comply with the TCPA?

The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), which was signed into law in 1991, is federal legislation pertaining to telemarketing. That law sounds like an ancient story, but it bites nowadays marketers and businessmen.

To simply put, you must ensure that your messaging content and contact list are in compliance with TCPA guidelines as well as all applicable State and Federal laws because subscribers can sue you if you don’t adhere to these guidelines. Hence those who send unwanted messages can be hit with fines up to $1,500 per text message per customer. Ouch. ?

smsgem sms marketing

How can you ensure your SMS marketing campaigns are TCPA compliant? 

  • Get permission: Don't be a spammer. Make sure you have explicit consent from customers before sending SMS messages. You must regularly review and update their policies to align with TCPA regulations. You can try this template for your policy.
  • Be upfront: Don't be a liar. Be transparent about what type of messages customers will receive, how often, and how they can opt out. It's like dating. You wouldn't want to lead someone on or hide your intentions, would you?
  • Identify yourself: Don't be a mystery. Every SMS message you send must include the identity of the sender, such as your business name or phone number. It's like introducing yourself to someone. You wouldn't want to have a conversation with someone without knowing who they are, right? 
  • Don't be robotic: Don't be a robot. Don't use auto-dialing or pre-recorded messages without explicit consent. It's like trying to have a conversation with a robot. No one likes that. So, make sure you're sending personalized messages manually or with the customer's consent.
  • Honor opt-outs: Don't be a stalker. If a customer opts out, immediately stop sending messages to them. 

Here is a checklist for keeping you and your eCommerce safe and sound

To ensure proper consent under TCPA regulations over time, businesses should take more of these steps.

  • Get consent from your customers to receive any information from your business via SMS. 
  • Keep records of consent clear on your website. (Privacy Policy and Terms of Services)
  • Disclose easy and accurate opt-out instructions, such as a “STOP” keyword
  • Disclose that normal messaging and data rates may apply.
  • Only message people between the hours of 9 am and 9 pm (appropriate timing)
  • Be specific about what you’re offering. Use a short code (type YES to opt-in) or shortened link.

In conclusion, keeping your SMS marketing campaigns TCPA compliant is crucial to avoid any legal issues and maintain a positive relationship with your customers. By obtaining consent, identifying yourself, providing value, keeping records, and following the rules, you can ensure that your SMS marketing campaigns are safe, effective, and enjoyable for everyone involved. Remember, a compliant campaign is not only good for avoiding legal trouble, but it's also a way to show your customers that you value their privacy and respect their preferences. So, keep your SMS marketing TCPA compliant, and keep sending those messages with confidence!

From Zero to Hero: Ecommerce Beginner's Guide to SMS Marketing

Are you feeling like a zero when it comes to SMS marketing? Don't worry, you're not alone. 

According to recent statistics, only 29% of businesses use SMS marketing to reach their customers, despite the fact that SMS messages have a 98% open rate. That means there's a huge opportunity for businesses to become heroes with successful SMS Campaigns

But don't worry, you don't need to be a genius to be a SMS guru. With a little bit of know-how and a sense of humor, you can go from zero to SMS hero in no time. 

In this post, we'll cover a beginner's guide for SMS with some protips to help you become a marketing superhero. So, put on your cape and let's get started!

1. TCPA compliant for SMS Marketing

You might wonder what TCPA is. Let me wrap all in this story for you. 

"You - a man trying to sell aroma oil and candles for ladies - those who are ready to pay $60 (even more) for a candle. Karen - who just fills in your checkout form to check shipping fee and then dip (aka. abandoned cart). So now you send her a message to tell her to checkout now with a discount code. 

So if things go well, Karen rushes to checkout with your discount. Easier huh? But (yeah things often don’t flow the way we want) if Karen is not in the mood right now and feels like such an invasion of her privacy. She sues you - owner of the aroma store, with proof of TCPA Violations and you might pay up to $1500 per violation. Ouch!"

TCPA compliance requires businesses to obtain prior express written consent before making telemarketing calls or sending text messages to consumers. 

It also mandates certain disclosures and opt-out mechanisms and imposes penalties for violations.

So what you should do now:

  1. Get permission: Don't be a spammer. Make sure you have explicit consent from customers before sending SMS Marketing messages. You must regularly review and update their policies to align with TCPA regulations. You can try this template for your policy.
  2. Be upfront: Don't be a liar. Be transparent about what type of messages customers will receive, how often, and how they can opt out. It's like dating. You wouldn't want to lead someone on or hide your intentions, would you?
  3. Identify yourself: Don't be a mystery. Every SMS message you send must include the identity of the sender, such as your business name or phone number. It's like introducing yourself to someone. You wouldn't want to have a conversation with someone without knowing who they are, right?
  4. Don't be robotic: Don't be a robot. Don't use auto-dialing or pre-recorded messages without explicit consent. It's like trying to have a conversation with a robot. No one likes that. So, make sure you're sending personalized messages manually or with the customer's consent.
  5. Honor opt-outs: Don't be a stalker. If a customer opts out, immediately stop sending messages to them. 

To ensure proper consent under TCPA regulations over time, businesses should take more of these steps.

2. Choose an SMS marketing platform

You can not just send every single SMS from your mobile. Like email marketing, you also need a tool that helps you send SMS. 

There are several SMS marketing platforms available, such as SMSGem, SMSBump, EZ Texting, and SimpleTexting

What should you think of when choosing a platform:

  1. SMS pricing: Sending an email is free (theoretically), but with SMS, you have to pay for each SMS. So let’s take a look at SMS Pricing and see what fits your budget.
  2. SMS template: With a proven template, you can save lots of time writing your own text or sending tests. 
  3. SMS features: Personalized text or segmentation which helps your text win more.
  4. SMS analytics: Tracking of SMS and its performance is a must for you to analyze what’s going right and wrong and optimize your campaigns 

3. Keep your text SHORT, SWEET and DIRECT

SHORT: SMS texts have a character limit of 160, so important to keep your messages short and to the point. Avoid using jargon or complicated language, and focus on delivering a clear message that is easy to understand. 

SWEET: Remember that we're talking to real people here! So, let's keep it human, shall we? Injecting a little bit of humor is a great way to make your message stand out and create a memorable experience for the recipient. 

Whether it's a playful emoji, a funny GIF, or a witty one-liner, adding a touch of humor can help create a more engaging and enjoyable experience for everyone. So, let's keep it fun - after all, who doesn't love a good laugh with their morning coffee?

DIRECT: Keeping it real and personal. No need for fancy marketing jargon or formalities - let's just call their names like we're chatting with a friend! And remember to tell you who you are.

4. Time to send SMS appropriately

Timing is everything when it comes to SMS Marketing. Avoid sending messages outside of business hours or during times when your customers are likely to be busy or distracted. Even to normal users, time is a so sensitive factor that Android helps users schedule messages to send later.

These are some tips for you to set the time perfectly:

  • Think about when your target audience is most likely to be available to receive and respond to your message. 
  • If you have a national or international audience, be mindful of time zones when scheduling your messages.
  • The purpose of your message can also influence the best time to send it. For example, if you're sending a promotional offer, it may be best to send it during a time when people are more likely to be making purchasing decisions.
  • Test and track: It's important to test different send times and track engagement metrics such as open rates and click-through rates to determine the best time to send SMS messages for your specific audience and purpose.

Overall, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the best time to send SMS messages. By considering your own target audience and with the help from SMS Marketing Platform to help you track for the best result. 

5. Analyze and optimize

Finally, you’d better understand what works and what doesn't with your campaign. When it comes to tracking and analyzing SMS Marketing messages, we know it can feel a little bit like stalking - but trust us, it's for a good cause!

By tracking engagement metrics such as open rates and click-through rates, we can better understand how our audience is interacting with our messages and make data-driven decisions on future campaigns. Plus, it's always satisfying to see those engagement numbers climb higher and higher! 

However, you’re sometimes overwhelmed by numbers and charts. So a platform that works hard for you is a need. SMSGem is so user-friendly, even your grandma could use it! So, no need to stress about tracking and analyzing your SMS messages - we've got you covered. Just sit back, relax, and let our SMS app do the heavy lifting.

Well, well, well - we made it to the end! Congratulations, you are officially an SMS Hero! We hope that this beginner's guide has been helpful in demystifying the world of SMS marketing for e-commerce. 

sms gem marketing

And if you ever need a little extra help, just remember - we're here for you, with our user-friendly SMS platform and our trusty detective hats (or magnifying glasses, if that's more your style). So, go forth and conquer the world of SMS marketing, and remember to always keep it human, keep it fun, and keep on texting!

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Innovative tech for eCommerce growth

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